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Current provider network:
Current Deductible:
(name or initials optional)
Group Insurance
Employer sponsored group insurance is an effective way of obtaining health insurance, and in some cases, it's the only way that someone can become insured, due to medical history.
If you are an employer, having a quality health plan available both attracts quality employees and helps to retains them. Once you have a group plan in place, new hires and their family are guaranteed coverage.
Surveys have consistently shown that health insurance ranks right at the top of list of most desired employer sponsored fringe benefits.
(If you have more than 20 employees, please fax your census to us at 864-242-0698)
We will prepare custom benefit proposals for the most competitive group plans available with all the major carriers in your area, including Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Assurant, and others.
To obtain competitive quotes for group insurance on your employees, please fill out the form below.
Questions or need help? Call 800-245-2467